It doesn't get any easier!

camping duvet without cover

Are you looking for a comfortable duvet for camping or the caravan? Check out our range of high-quality duvets without covers. No more hassle with loose covers and easy to wash.

Discover the difference

A new revolution of convenience and comfort.

Because your vacation should really feel like a vacation, this duvet is specially designed to enhance that feeling. With this duvet, you have not only more time to relax, but also to enjoy the little things in life.

  • Hypoallergenic: Whether you've had a tough hike and jump straight into bed, our duvets are made from a fabric that repels bacteria, contributing to a better night's sleep.
  • Suitable for sensitive skin: Our duvets are wonderfully soft and suitable for all skin types, so everyone can sleep comfortably.
30 days trial sleeping

A suitable duvet for every type of vacation!

We understand that every holiday is unique. That's why we have a suitable duvet for every type of holiday. Whether you're camping high in the mountains or parking your camper on the beach, we have the perfect duvet without a cover for all your adventures!

Why a camping duvet?

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